The fast and the furious

Now I’m in gainful employment, I’ve only been able to visit my fox family at weekends for the past month. I was a bit concerned that my absence during the week would result in the cubs being wary of me – and therefore more difficult to photograph. But thankfully so far this hasn’t proved to be the case. Read more
The call of nature

Even though I’d set my alarm for 4.50am, I was already awake 10 minutes before it went off. I got out of bed and looked out of the window. There was no hint of approaching dawn yet in the sky, but I could tell it was going to be a beautiful, crisp, cloudless morning – with perfect misty conditions a distinct probability. Read more
Among the foxes

In March this year I took voluntary redundancy from the civil service. I’d spent 15 years working at the Department for Education (and its various other names under different governments), but with all the stress and politics that had become part and parcel of my work environment, I’d had enough. Read more
Alaskan bear necessities

I’ve just returned from a week photographing coastal brown bears and other wildlife in Alaska. It was a wonderful experience, as much for the spectacular scenery and fresh air of the Alaskan wilderness as the great bear activity I witnessed. You can see images from my trip in the Alaskan bears and other wildlife gallery. Read more
Australian adventure

I’m currently en route back from a 3 week holiday in Australia, flying out of Melbourne. My trip combined seeing family, with doing some photography - in the end a lot more than I had planned - and I had a fantastic time on both fronts. Read more
A misty autumn morning

This morning I paid my third visit of the autumn to Richmond Park, as the red deer rut has just kicked off. On Monday I managed to get some decent shots of a stag looking faintly ridiculous with a big clump of bracken in his antlers, one of which was featured in The Guardian, and another on The Telegraph's website. But I was still eager to get better shots. Read more
Awesome ospreys

After a four month hiatus from photography while recuperating from a bad back, I've just returned from a very productive five days in the Cairngorms. My main objective was to photograph ospreys fishing, and I'm pretty pleased with the results. They are fantastic birds, and to just observe these large raptors, with their five foot wingspans, hurtling into the water is something to behold. Read more
Competition season

Competition season is upon us once more, and I'm currently waiting to hear whether any of my shortlisted entries for the BBC Wildlife Photographer of the Year (1 image), GDT European Wildlife Photographer of the Year (5 images) or British Wildlife Photography Awards (1 image) have won a prize. Read more
Snettisham spectacular

I recently spent a week on the north Norfolk coast photographing waders and barn owls. It was my first photographic trip to the English mecca for bird watching and photography. Although the weather wasn't great for much of the week, I was lucky enough to have at least some nice light in which to photograph the more common waders such as turnstone and redshank - although decent barn owl shots proved elusive. Read more
Midsummer magic on the Shetlands

I've just spent a week in the fabulous Shetland Islands, the most northerly location in the British Isles. It was my first visit to these remote islands, whose craggy coastline provides the perfect breeding ground for hundreds of thousands of sea birds, as well as acting as a staging post for some rare and exotic migrants. At this time of year the days are long, and when I got home to London I was exhausted - but happy! Read more
Little grebelets

May is my favourite month for watching and photographing wildlife. There's so much going on, with many bird species preoccupied with building nests, brooding eggs and feeding young. You often get great opportunities to take behaviour shots. Read more
Bearded tits

One of the things that I find most inspiring about wildlife photography is the sheer variety of subjects on offer. And as ever, a new year has got me thinking about new species to photograph. Hand in hand with shooting any new species is learning how it behaves - it's a great way to broaden your knowledge, understanding and appreciation of the natural world. So last weekend's glorious weather led to a memorable encounter and some invaluable knowledge of an endearing little bird gained. Read more
Winter shorties

I’ve been struggling with my motivation for wildlife photography in the last six months or so. Since returning from Mull in October I’d only been out with the camera once before Christmas. So my new year’s resolution was to get out and about and rekindle the romance in my relationship with nature! Read more
Mull eagles

I've just spent ten days on Mull on the Inner Hebrides, the best place in the UK to see the recently reintroduced white tailed eagles. These awesome birds are Europe's biggest eagle species, and have a larger wingspan than any other British bird - the females can measure up to eight and a half feet! Read more
African adventure

I recently returned from a two week photographic safari in South Africa. It really was the trip of a lifetime - you can see the shots I took in the African wildlife gallery. As this was my first visit to Africa I decided not to leave anything to chance. I therefore booked with a specialist photographic safari company called Wild4 Photographic Safaris, run by a chap called Stu Porter. It turned out to be one of the best decisions I've ever made - I had a marvellous time, saw loads of great wildlife, and got the shots I was hoping to get. Read more
Beautiful barn owl experience

Back to Sheppey yesterday to try out my new purchase - a Canon 500mm F4 telephoto lens. Previous visits had underlined the need for as much focal length as possible, especially for the shy marsh harriers, which always maintain their distance. Read more
Raptor quest

One of my aims for this year is to get some great shots of raptors - in particular, birds I have never photographed before. Read more
Close encounter of the woodpecker kind

I finally took the plunge and bought myself a car. Read more
Red deer rut drawing to a close

This morning saw me up well before the lark to head once more to Richmond Park to photograph the red deer rut. Read more
BWPA Awards evening

Last night I attended the British Wildlife Photography Awards ceremony at the Hoopers Gallery, London. Read more
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